Thursdays Home Repairs Tips
If you have loud cupboards or drawers you can add peal and stick fabric buttons to them to make them quieter. This is a very simple home mod that has a huge impact.
Bathroom Tip Wednesdays
Today we are going to talk about some simple ways to save energy costs in the bathroom. 1. Install energy star fixtures. These are designed to conserve energy. 2. Install LED light bulbs. Just replace any that are not LED. 3. Use warm or cold water while showering. The savings really add up over the…
Windows Siding Tip Tuesdays
Today we are going to talk about the different types of home siding. You can get siding in several different types of materials and these are: All of these have pros and cons associated with them. We would love to meet up and give you a free estimate on different siding options!
Motivation Mondays
“Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!“ – David Dweck
Favorite Recipes Sundays
Today’s recipe comes from our friends at Shelikesfood and it is a delicious Quinoa Chickpea Sweet Potato Salad (https://www.shelikesfood.com/quinoa-chickpea-sweet-potato-salad/) Quinoa Chickpea Sweet Potato Salad Servings6 Servings Cooking Time55 minutes Recipe ByShe Likes Food Ingredients Quinoa Chickpea Sweet Potato Salad: Curry Tahini Dressing: Instructions Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F. On a large sheet pan, toss…
Roofing Tips Fridays
What are the different types of roofing material do we use the most in Portland, Oregon? We have a pretty wet, mild climate here in the The main types of roofing material we use are:
Thursdays Home Repairs Tips
Today we are going to talk about simple ways to raise your homes curb appeal! These are: We hope this has given you some great ideas to help boost your curb appeal!
Bathroom Tip Wednesdays
What are the different flooring options that are the best for your bathroom. These are in no specific order: – Natural Stone Tiles – Hardwood – Ceramic or Porcelain Tile – Cork – Vinyl We Love the look and feel of all of these and they make a great addition to any bathroom
Windows Siding Tip Tuesdays
Today we are going to talk about types of window blinds. Just a simple change here not only changes the look of the window but it also changes the whole room. There are several types ob blinds and some of these are: – Shutter Style Blinds – Blackout Cellular Shades – Top Down or Bottom…
Motivation Mondays
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams